Saturday, September 20, 2014

Are We There Yet?

People often ask, "Why did you quit your career?"
I don't know if I have a good answer. The short answer is: passion for authenticity.

Also people asked, "Why did you move to Taiwan?"
Well, it's not an accident. Before the move, we figured that the food is good in Taiwan, they have a great national health care system, the people seem nice, and one of my parents liked the idea; plus,
the YouTube videos put out by the Taiwan Tourism Bureau showed some cool mountains.

Clearly, we didn't know this place too well and were far from prepared when we leaped across the Pacific ocean nearly 3 years ago. Our gung ho attitude, stubbornness and (often flickering) faith helped us turn the corner many times. Help appeared from unexpected places when we most needed it. When we were deeply troubled, our appreciation for each other and for the little things saved us again and again. Humor and goofiness "cracked" open the gap to let some light in when things were very difficult (click on "I Can't Go Pee" to listen).

We've made it this far with tears (lots!), sweat (lots!!) and laughter (lots!!!).
Are we there yet? Not even close. I'm not even sure where "there" is. Well, I guess we'll just have to keep at it and have fun with it the best we can.

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