Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The "Self-evolving Portrait" 自行一體的畫像

 Mark's been working on a new drawing process. He starts with random shading and adds a little here and there to see what takes shape. Eventually, he gets some idea of "what the image wants to be." Then, he just follows where that leads until the picture is "done."

Here are a couple of examples of what happens when he does this.

Someone asked recently if he could show the progression. Great idea!! (Thanks, Theresa!)

Mark started a new picture and took quick snapshots at random stopping points in the process. Watch the whole thing unfold on the video for "Daniel's Daughter" on our brand new "letsgotakealook" channel on YouTube!


  1. Thanks, guys! I watched the video 5 times at least! The music is a perfect accompaniment to the slow fade in of such a strong character. I love watching the increasing clarity surrounding the eyes especially.

    1. Hey, Theresa, thanks again for the idea to show the process! Glad you liked the music. I agree about the clarity around the eyes: they really do serve as the "window of the soul."

  2. It's all about the journey, not just the destination. Beautiful.

    1. Thanks, Sue! Definitely about the journey. Excellent point! We often find out "why" only in retrospect. What appears to be random or pointless often shapes our character more than we would ever suspect at the time it happens.
