Monday, November 21, 2011

Look Who's Here! 老朋友

When we lived in Portland, we happened upon these various characters who became so dear to us, we had to bring them with us to California. They lived on top of our refrigerator. Though we pared down a lot of other stuff, these particular personalities had to come with us. Yesterday, we opened another box, and there they were! They've come with us all the way to Taiwan.

Mark's socks appear normal at first glance, but what lurks inside?

The hidden denizens stir. Ah! There's one now!

More peeking. The one in the middle is having some difficulty. The one in the middle tends to have difficulties, so this is nothing new.

Yes! They all arrived intact. Wolverine appears reluctant to leave the warmth and safety of the sock. Suspicious Guy steps boldly forward into this new and wondrous land. Penguin's difficulties continue.
Ah! To boldly go where no Wolverine has gone before! Suspicious Guy has a sense something might be wrong, he's just not sure what. Penguin's difficulties continue unabated.
Love blossoms even in this strange and unfamiliar environment!

We've often wondered about the relationship between these two. So has Suspicious Guy. Wolverine is protective, as usual.
"Whatever!" says Suspicious Guy.

"Pay him no mind," says Penguin.

Wolverine is lost in his own thoughts. We think. Maybe not. Maybe he just has to go pee after that long, long, journey.
And life returns to normal!

Now...where is that new refrigerator?

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