Tuesday, October 16, 2012

On the way up to the Temple of Heaven 往天宮的途中

(Kuandian TianQiaoGou National Park, 寬甸天橋溝國家公園)

"When you listen generously to people they can hear the truth in themselves, often for the first time." - Rachel Naomi Remen

"Kitchen Table Wisdom" by this author is one of the few books that survived our extreme downsizing when we decided to move to Taiwan. I've read it several times over the years and still continue to learn from it. 

We took the picture above while standing on top of a pinnacle similar to the ones you see in the photo. This was a challenging but very satisfying hike. A group of Chinese hikers was slightly ahead of us for the first part of the hike. Some members of the group felt the great need to yell out very loudly every few minutes. I think it must be a Chinese version of the Tarzan call. Perhaps it was meant to be "macho-esque." I secretly practiced my witchcraft and it worked. Well, to be precise, I stopped myself from feeling victimized and started envisioning enjoying the place in a quiet and peaceful way. Not long after that, they had to hurry up to meet with the rest of their group down below. We two were left with the whole place to ourselves. What a divine place!

我們站在這山的奇岩山照著那山的奇岩時,爬在我們前頭的幾位中國的旅客不停地大聲吆喝。這是中國的習俗嗎?中國式的“泰山吼“嗎?我認為是噪音污染,一開始覺得心裡不爽,還好當機立斷,開始想像自己愉快地享受如此美景。不久後他們因為擔心會錯過他們旅行團的集合時間而加緊腳步離開了,留下我們兩個獨享人間美景。 好開心!

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