Saturday, October 13, 2012

2012 的秋 - Fall, 2012

When we left the U.S. last October, we didn't know what kind of Fall season we could expect after the move. In fact, we wondered if we would even get the Fall season at all. Fall is my favorite season. I love the Fall colors, crisp air, warm apple cider, pumpkins and gourds, gatherings with family and friends, holiday decorations, baked goods, the smells--just about everything. I couldn't help but feel a certain degree of separation anxiety as we left all of those behind. 

In the most wonderful and mysterious way, we got to spend a week in the most splendorous Fall colors in northeastern China: LiaoNing Province, to be specific. Here is a random photo from the thousands we took on the trip. We plan to post more on the Photo Blog later, once we have a chance to review them.

在美國居住了將近三十年,秋季始終是我最喜愛的季節。 每年九月開始,樹葉開始變色,家家戶戶開始在屋外佈置起萬聖節,感恩節的景象,空氣不時瀰漫著各種秋天才聞得到的香味,親友聚餐的頻率也變得頻繁起來。秋天對我來說是美,平安與喜樂的綜合,我總是期待著。所以當決定搬來台灣時,心中最不捨的少數幾樣中”秋季”即是其中之一。每次想到了就不免有點沮喪。

這次能有機會和媽媽到中國東北遼寧省體會到璀璨絢麗的秋景是當初意想不到的。這一週吸收的美麗秋景美得讓人作夢都會笑! 我們胡亂照了幾千張相片,都還沒整理。在此任選一張先與大家分享。

1 comment:

  1. Simply stunning. I'm looking forward to seeing more of these.
