Saturday, September 6, 2014

I Wander

Convict Lake, California
Experts offer life improvement tips and tricks all the time. After having read quite a bit of their advice, I've discovered that they almost always contradict each other. It's almost as if "one man's poison is another man's medicine." 

So rather than fussing with other people's ideas, attempting to replicate their life lessons, I concluded that I am better off finding my own way.
And here is why. There are times that I have pretty good inkling of what I'd like to see happen in my life. Goal-setting, structure, positive affirmations, and other nifty tools all come in handy. I even know the drill when things don't work as planned. I've had lots of practice digging my way out. "I ain't need no expert," in this case.

What happens when I don't know what I want? How can I set an intention, dream big, come up with an action plan, and follow all the other juicy stuff described by the experts? For the longest time I assumed the answer lay somewhere in some book or some expert. Certainly someone could just hand me the answer and I could happily pursue it ever after. Days, months and years pass, and--several anxiety attacks later--I slowly begin to realize something:
  • I believe I am here to experience, explore and expand. 
  • I am to learn to appreciate my free spirit and have fun exploring my own expression. 
  • "Wandering" is one of my best "skills" when it comes to any outing or travel. I love the process and all the surprises that come with it. In fact, it is impossible for me not to wander off. It's too much fun!
Why did I insist on going through life taking only the direct, shortest possible route? I have decided to give myself a "permission slip": to allow "Wandering" in my life journey and have fun with it. Let's go take a look!

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