Monday, April 2, 2012

The Secret Tool of the Jedi 絕地武士的秘密武器

Not so long ago, on an island not so far away, two Jedi knights searched for a way to ward off an invasion of pastel dust that could easily overcome their environment.

After much study in many data banks, Ping found a clue: "Twin Bird." Hmmm... We wondered what that meant.

According to the texts, it was powerful, light, and easy to use. Did we mention "powerful?"

It was appropriately cloaked in black.

A short demonstration proved to us that it was our safeguard against the pastel dust invasion!

Somehow, it felt very natural in our hands, as if we were born to wield such a marvelous thing.
Not until it was fully armed did we experience the extent of its amazing power! Ah! Yes! Now we know! "Twin Bird!" Of course!!

In a long-forgotten tongue spoken only on ancient Tatooine, "Twin Bird" actually means: "Black Hole!"

This was the nickname for one of the mightiest tools of the Jedi! Nothing can escape it!
The Jedi Vacuum Cleaner has already served us well. It quickly dispatched an onslaught of brick and concrete dust, leaving almost no trace of the invasion.

That was only the beginning. We're sure that until we learn to use the Force to clean the house, our Jedi Vacuum Cleaner will protect us from all manner of dustiness.

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